Paula Heinonen | True Alignment With Your Soul Purpose
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ThetaHealing® True Alignment With Your Soul Purpose 18.-19.1.2020 – Elias Kanakri



Is ThetaHealing your passion? Are you compelled to help others and awaken them? Does practicing or teaching ThetaHealing make your heart feel warm and your soul happy?
Do you feel and believe that ThetaHealing is your soul purpose?


Do you wish to make of ThetaHealing a successful business, but feel hesitant, not com-pletely ready or not confident enough?


Are you struggling in attracting a constant flow of clients or students? Do you find it hard to work on yourself to keep the abundance flowing your way?


Are you having doubts that you can achieve success and abundance and joy while living your life purpose as a ThetaHealer? Do you wish to live in harmony with your Divine Path and learn how to easily work on yourself to keep shining in your life mission?


This two day seminar has been designed to make it easier for all ThetaHealing practi-tioners and instructors to follow their path, live fully their life purpose, and allow abundance and success into their life


This seminar answers all of the concerns that arise once you recognize that ThetaHeal-ing is your life purpose, and will give you the opportunity to remove the blocks and negative programs that can make it difficult for you to follow your path.
This seminar will also prep you in being the best version of yourself, by helping you get to know yourself more, understand more your journey and path, why you chose it, and recognize your divine true essence, and allow your Divine Path to bring to you success and abundance.


The overall purpose of this seminar is to grow your confidence as a ThetaHealer, help you tap into your divine essence and true power, and allow yourself to start receiving the Creator’s limitless abundance so you can have a successful and expanding The-taHealing career.


This is a powerful seminar for ThetaHealing practitioners and instructors, that utilizes the ThetaHealing Technique. It was designed and written by Elias Kanakri, and approved by Vianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealing, as a new ThetaHealing Elective seminar


Duration: 2 consecutive days
Price: 767 $ + 100 € (~800 €)
Includes: practitioner manual, coffee & tee & snacks


Prerequisites: ThetaHealing Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper



Time:  Sat 9-18, Sun 9-18

Place: Siltasaarenkatu 18, Helsinki


pmh.heinonen@gmail.com/ +358 50 4909 782




Ensure your spot on class and pay host fee 100 € by clicking “Buy now” below: